It’s tiny out there. That west wind yesterday and overnight pretty much put a stop to any bump of swell hitting our shores. Its barely hitting the 1ft mark. The only saviour today would be the longboard with a couple of different sand formations along the beach at Bondi making for reasonably fun rides. If you do venture in you would be pleased to know that the water temp is warmer than the air temp. Yep, we are only looking at a top temp of 16 today.
The fellas in todays shots on the longboards are Robbie and Luke. They both work for Insight, Robbie is a designer and Luke the team manager. Looks like they have really got their lifestyle sorted with a morning paddle before hitting up the office for the day.
If your stuck at the airport today due to the Ash cloud we're feeling your pain! Hope the restrictions lift soon and you can get to where your headed!
Have a great day – Brad
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