Mother nature turned it on this morning. I had to be quick with the camera as it didn't last long. The light sneaking in and under the clouds very quickly but at the same time making for a very colorful and dramatic start to the day. Still only very small and the only place for any kind of wave today is again Bondi. It's absolutely perfect for a log out there. If you don't have a log like me visit this site These guys make some cool logs out of California named Almond Shapes. It's just like the one Keiran is proudly displaying in today's portrait. Thanks for the heads up mate!
24 big ones today. You might want to leave the hoody at home and take on the UV's. Maybe even hit the beach in your lunch break.
Regardless of how you spend your day have a good one! Oh and if you have a spare moment why not check our gallery out at Bronte top shops. 145C Macpherson St Bronte.
Over and out – Brad
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