What a glorious morning. So mild out there. Staring down the barrel of 24 on the gauge today. Will it last? Yes it should for best part of the daylight hours so make the most it because they say the showers are going to roll up tomorrow and Thursday. There is a wave on, just not at Bondi thanks to the NE wind swell that is on offer. Give it a wide berth if you want to surf. I say head to the Bra where there are 2 – 3 ft of fun bumps rocking in. So a little birdy tells me!!!
Things are looking the goods in New York State, USA for the Long Island Quicksilver Pro. Check out the swell forecast HERE Can't wait to see the action!
Have a great day. Will try and get over to the Bra tomorrow. A few groms are keen to put on a show! – Brad
PS – Got a new fresh batch of Frothers Trucker Hats in. Only $15 instore – Now there's value for money!
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