Update 8th February 2012

Sloppy chops is the ocean right now and you won’t find much shelter anywhere along this wind blown coast while this horrid ESE wind blowing.

It was bleak and grey on my walk down to Tamarama early this morning. Four very keen surfers were out in the lineup, trying their hardest to get some kind of a ride out of the messy 3 foot lumps that were meandering unevenly into the shore. The sun actually broke through the bleak, grey sky for a while, lighting the beach and sky in crimson and gold. That my friends, was definitely the highlight of the morning!

I didn’t see any bluebottles but the shore is covered in thousands of tiny, pubescent ones. Those little blue discs that haven’t inflated yet or grown tentacles. In my younger years we always called them ‘hats or boats’. I am not even sure if they are baby bluebottles but I can’t see them being anything else. At least they don’t sting!

A little mix of shots today. A couple from Bondi last night, one of Pipeline legend – Gerry Lopez having an SUP at Oz Stand Up Paddle down at Rose Bay yesterday and the rest of Tama this morning.

Have a good one!


Update 7th February 2012

After doing a quick drive by of the beaches early, I returned home and downloaded the few dark and dismal images I had reluctantly snapped. It just resembled a smaller version of yesterday’s mess and after studying them for a minute or two on my computer screen, I sent them straight to the trash with one forceful tap of the delete key… I have something better for you.

When the strong southerly hit yesterday morning, I took a trip down to Cape Solander (Ours). With so much east in the swell, a south wind actually blows off shore as the wave bends its evilness harder onto the rocks as it peels along the shallow shelf.

There was no one around when I arrived. The place was completely empty and it reminded me of a decade ago, when only a handful of Maroubra guys and a bunch of local body boarders had it on their radar. The gates to the carpark were also closed, which made it look even more isolated. Apart from the container terminal in the distance, The Endeavour sailing into the Bay to claim Indigenous Australia for England, would not have looked out of place at all that morning.

There were a few nice ones coming through as I waited for psycho surfers, Mark Mathews and Dom Wills to turn up and give it a go. Unfortunately, clean empty bombs went unridden for the next 3 hours, thanks to a temperamental jetski which refused to start for the boys. They finally got out there after lunch but by then the wind had turned ballistic and ruined what could have been a nice little session.

Oh well, there’s always next time.


Update 6th February 2012

It was nice to finally see some sunshine and waves over the weekend. You could say that we had the full combo! Dangerous conditions kept the lifeguards from Waverley and Randwick Council very busy and they put in an amazing effort once again with the hoards of people flocking to our beaches. The twins at Tama caught out a few surfers, scrambling up the rocks and taking a bit of bark off along the way. 

Today the swell has kicked even more. South Maroubra is macking out at 6 ft + and so is Bronte. I saw a couple of guys paddle out at Tama but it was very humpy bumpy. They didn't last long at all. Bondi is more sheltered and a bit more user friendly. There's still the odd bomb set but not much shape. I'd say get out of town and find a point break. You may need to hide from that S wind that just blew up!

This is pretty sick from Surfline

PS – I am going to do a boat trip to the Maldives 12th – 22nd May. Who's coming?It's a great chance to get some cool surf shots of yourself and not to mention a few well deserved barrels. Drop me a line Here… We need 8 more crew. 

Happy Monday – Brad

Update 3rd February 2012

It has cleaned up overnight, but the dark sky is still looming. Wave heights are hitting the 3 ft mark and it looks fun with the light winds. Both Bronte and Bondi have reasonable waves rolling through and I'd expect Maroubra to have a few as well today. At least there is no chance of getting sunburnt in this weather.

Today's main pic is of my good mate John McKelvey, who has recently returned from a trip to Fiji. I thought I'd throw it into the mix today just to keep our spirits up and to show you what Johny Maddog is really made of. I'm sure you will all agree that the thought of this wave at Tavy Rights makes us want to jump on the next flight out of here. If you do, give my mates at Namotu Island Resort a call.

John John Florence beat Jamie O'Brien in the dying seconds of the Volcom Pro Final at Pipeline. Check it

Have a good day – Brad

Update 2nd February 2012

It's miserable out there yet again today. When will it ever stop? It is easily becoming the worst summer I've ever experienced in all of my quick 34 years. I had a drive around early and for the first time in a while I came up short. Not enough to put together a report, but lucky for me and all of us for that matter Bill shot a few frames late last night down at North Bondi

The swell kicked halfway through yesterday and kept building into the late afternoon. Bondi took the brunt of it getting up to 4 – 5ft. There was a fun wave in kiddies corner at north end, while the more experienced took on a nice right hander further down towards the middle providing some fun ramps for Perth and Justin.

The SE wind is tearing into the remnants of yesterdays swell and to be honest looks like a bit of a mess. Plenty of storm water pollution around to. Have a day off!

Lets hope this weather improves soon. 
