To give you more strength, you can scream ''Banzaïïïïïïïïï !''…That's what the Japanese kamikazes used to shout when they purposely crashed their planes on the US war ships !
The ride today, is pretty much a take-off, a straight line,…and a wipe-out, just like the Japanese soldiers !
That being said, if you're lucky, Bondi offered some nice (fat) shoulders…but you have to be on them. It's not easy: difficult to really find a defined peak. The best bet is probably just in front of the Bondi Pavillon. Forget about the South end.
Let's hope the swell will clean up as the day goes, just like the sky finally cleared up. It's now a nice day outside (at 5am, when I left my place, I thought the weather man had been lying to me, big time !).
Local Artist Martin Greer is running an exhibition of his oil paintings showcasing 9 decades of longboard surfing at Bondi. The opening night is this Thursday at 6.30pm and will run through to 21st October at the Bondi Pavillion Galllery. His work is amazing and worth a look. Go check it out !
Enjoy the day !
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