The big red Sun rose above the ocean early like a freshly lit furnace, casting its fiery glow across our beaches, lighting up the city and beyond. Later today is predicted to be a heat wave as the north westerly wind freshens, dragging dry, inland heat over the coast. The forecast is for 43 degrees but the early morning was beautiful and only in the md 20’s. The water temp is also amazingly warm finally at around 23c.

It’s not often we experience extreme temperatures on the coast, regular onshore Summer winds blow the ocean’s coolness straight into our faces most of the time. It’s not expected to break the Jan 14, 1939 record of 45.3 or the 44.2 New Years Day, 2006 scorcher, but it could be in good company if it does hit the 40’s. It’s just a shame we don’t have waves because with this N-W wind, it definitely would be barreling!

Now if I told you the Sun is the reason we get waves at all you’d probably say, “why isn’t it pumping then”. Well, it doesn’t actually work directly but it is responsible. Click HERE and see why.

Don’t forget to drink plenty of water and try to stay out of the heat as much as possible. The ocean can help if you can get to the beach but don’t forget to slip, slop, slap and maybe even a beach umbrella. It's actually raining at Cronulla right now but when the wind hits later the 'big blue' should return. 

Be cool !
