Say the weather is a ''she''. Well I think she doesn't know what she wants today…She made us wet, and then gave us hope with a few rays of sunshine, but changed her mind again (definitely a ''she'' ! ahaha).

The high tide swollowed almost all the tiny bits of swell. Groms, or super keen only. Or try your luck late morning, you might get more lucky. The theme of the morning was ''shorebreak surfing'', so I reckoned I'd get wet with the housing. Shooting outside the water under the rain wasn't too much fun…

I'm getting excited today. Why, well because tomorrow, one of my best mates is getting married to a beautiful (pregnant) gal ! Sorry girls, from tomorrow onwards, Brad Malyon is gonna be officially off the market ! And I'm gonna be partying hard to celebrate it ! Can't wait…

I hope ''She'' is gonna be nice with us tomorrow. I hope she decides to make the sun shine, and that she'll stick to it. 

It's Friday. I hope it put a smile on your beach-bum's faces !

