Yesterday, we should've seen the rise of the super moon, but it ended up rising behind a thick layer of water-loaded clouds. There was surf through the weekend though, despite this terribly wintery weather.

Today is going to be the same kinda fun: grey, "cold", rainy, especially in the afternoon. But you know what: the waves were not too bad this morning in Bondi…actually quite nice. It was a lot cleaner than yesterday, empty (1 surfer in the South corner and maybe 3 or 4 a little more North), between the 2 to 4 foot mark. This E-SE swell still’s got a nice pulse, and might even see an incremental spike tomorrow morning. In absence of wind, it could be a cracker.

Unfortunately, as much as I wanted to cover for Mr Malyon roster, I did not have the opportunity to shoot for a report: with the threatening buckets of rain and the fact that I could not use my car this morning, there was ‘’recipe for disaster’’ written all over my camera gear ! I’m sure you’ll understand. So instead, I tried to bring you a bit of sun from Fiji, and the wonderful jewel of Namotu Island. Put it on your bucket list, and make sure you cross it.

Have a nice (rainy) day.