Update 1st November 2013
The best thing that happened all morning by far was Mr Joel Pilgrams ride with young grommette Corbin on his shoulders. They cracked one all the way from out the back to the shore with of course some massive smiles along the way. This is all apart of "Onewave is all it takes" – initiative to help change people's lives with surfing. Keep up the great work guys! What you are all doing is mad!
To be realistic it's not that much chop down at Bondi this morning. Actually there is way too much chop! There are still some 2 – 3ft little rip bowls to be had but it is lumpy and bumpy. Tomorrow morning looks better. Don't forget the Beach Road Hotel Single Fin Classic is on tomorrow. If your interested in entering hit up Ben Davies at ben@grandronde.tv – or just turn up bright and early in the morning.
If your lurking around the Sculptures by the Sea this weekend – be sure to drop into the Tama surf club where we have a cool exhibition going on. Franck has some amazing images up and my old favorite storm shot of Tama is also included. Check it out! A percentage of sales go directly to Tama surf club to help with renovations!
Enjoy the weekend – Now I have a fabulous wedding to go to!
Cheers Brad 😉
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