Up-date 04th December 2013

What a day that is just starting: waves, warmth, and sun !

Arriving at Bondi, at 5am, it was lame…far below my expectations from reading the forecasts. But then, when I parked at Tama, that what I expected: 4ft, clean, some barreling sections, …and some jumping dolphins, as a bonus ! (I missed the money shot twice of Flipper jumping through the waves in the first light….that's what happens sometimes when you shoot in Manual mode…).

Anyway, back to Bondi, and the conditions had improved. And now, as I am typing, it actually looks the goods…

Bottom line, you should find some waves today, and some sun, which is not gonna last for too long. So go and enjoy it !

I wish I had been able to get into the water this morning, but I got really sick and had to head home very quickly after I had arrived to shoot. I hope you'll forgive me…

Christmas is around the corner, so come and do your Christmas shopping at the Frothers Gallery in Bronte, or visit www.frothers.com.au to find your perfect shot. For instance, think about a day in 2013 that meant something to you or to someone you want to please (a birth, an engagement, a new job, an exam….anything), and find a great (sunrise) shot taken that day, for this person to remember it forever. It'll not only be decorative, but will have a great emotional meaning too. So come and see us. Call us. Ask us. We're there for you !….And it's a great feeling to support the locals ! 😉

Have a nice day.

Up-date 03rd December 2013

Ending up a trip thinking ''when am I gonna go back?'' is usually a good sign I reckon…

But next time, there is a few more things I'll pack in my bags:
– a couple of surfboards
– a couple of kites
– …and a good wettie of course + boots

It's been amazing to see all this crystal clear water, clean peelers and this constant winds…and no one making use of those great conditions.

Anyway, that was the last up-date on magic NZ for me…tomorrow, I'll be shooting in Sydney, and the conditions could be quite nice. Keep an eye on the forecast ! It could be a cracker Summer day!

It's Christmas season already, and it's the perfect moment to come and visit the Gallery again, if you haven't done so in a while. Check out the website, and then come and see us if you have questions (or call), and we'll make sure to help you ! We've got great gifts ideas, for all budgets !

Have a nice day !
