Another one of those sunny-warm-springy-FLAT-fitness busy-blue day…

If it wasn’t for the stiches I’d gone for a swim after a jog, or simply tried my brand new water housing. The beach was busy, despite the flat. Everyone seems to be in ‘’I wanna fit in my bikini’’ or ‘’I wanna lose the winter beer belly’’ mode !

Now, on a day like this, how good would it be to still be able to surf and enjoy the warmth. That’s what the Wave Garden would allow the Wave Garden would allow you to do ! I must admit, I am not a big fan of the wave pool concept, especially in the middle of the desert. I find it a waste of precious resources. It takes a lot of concrete, a lot of water, bleached, and a big amount of energy. But the Wave Garden is different, and with a bit of water, a light structure but some very very smart engineering, you can surf a 10 roller wave, left or right: you decide ! Have a look at that Wave Garden 2.0 video: you’ll be dribbling.

Have a nice day !