After a week long work trip to Perth in WA it's good to be back and into some waves. The ESE swell sure looks like a bit of fun today. Its pushing the 4ft mark on the sets and all beaches had some Ok waves getting in. Bronte looked like the  pick while Bondi didn't look too bad midway down. Tama had a bit of a right bowl but was dominated by the boogers led by Ben Bayfield. The wind looks likely to shift round back to the NE later on and freshen up. All in all. Go surfing today if you can!

Over in Perth I didn't see a wave over 2 ft. You have to be lucky to get the Perth City beaches on, so I am told. There are more serious waves out at Rottnest Island about 15 miles offshore. You can get there in 15 minutes if you have the right boat with a couple of 250hp on the back 😉 Regardless of the lack of swell it was great to be able to fully scope it out. The pier at Cottesloe had this little left breaking off it and when I was there 20 years ago I remember the locals would surf it in the dark of night lit up by a light on the end of the wharf. Not sure if that happens anymore, probably not since that poor swimmer got taken by a Great White a bit further down the beach in waist deep water. Scary!

Good to be home! – Brad

The gallery is open all day till 5pm. Lovely Christie is in today and she's a spunk!