Fairly dismal is the kindest way to describe the beach today. The sky is dark, the wind is up and the surf is terrible. Maroubra would be your best option for a tiny, onshore grovel but you may be better off heading to the office to get something done. Wave wise, the weekend looks average as well. A Longboard looks like the go if you are keen to make the effort and surf. I am sure a lot of you will, because after all, most of us are surf junkies and its the liquid fix that we really crave.

Even if the surf is average, it is still Friday again and the weekend is here! Lately, they seem to roll around so quick that I wonder where the week days go! Time is what we want most, but so often what we use worst. I guess that depends what you use it for. I wish it could be all for leisure but the reality is certainly quite different for most of us here in the city.

Anyway, enjoy your weekend, make the most of that spare time because Monday will roll around quickly too. Our Bronte gallery is shut today but it will be open all weekend from 10am5pm.

Brad and I were unable to shoot this morning due to commitments, so today’s pics are a little selection of what you might come across if you drop in and see us at the shop over the weekend.

Have a good one.

Bill Morris