There's plenty of solar energy around today and there were loads of people embracing it at the beach. It's going to hit 30 degrees before the storms roll in just like yesterday to cool things off. 

There's not much happening on the wave front. The loggers were having the most fun out there this morning in the small conditions especially Miss Sarah Glover who was giving all the guys in the line up a good lesson. You can count on her to be out in the water on days like this! If your desperate for a short board wave give Maroubra a crack as the swell looks like it's more from the east. Still very small though.

I have a lot of people asking me where I get all my camera goodies, like filters and all the technical stuff. Try these guys Foto Riesal. They are at 364 Kent St in the City and have the most professional and helpful staff. Exactly what you want when your on the hunt for a new camera or lens.

Have a great day. Brad