Update 8th November 2011

The air was warm and thick on first light with a haze of humid low cloud smothering what could have been a beautiful sunrise. The swell has dropped to the point where a conventional board is becoming an effort. Maroubra would be ok but a log or a fish for Bondi is definitely the go.

So Kelly finally got hold of his 11th world title after a classic ASP stuff up saw him crowned twice in one year! Another record! As if if needs it. Do you think he’ll retire? Who knows? He’s still the best, that’s easy to see. If you are into ASP news and familiar with Bobby Martinez’s rant in NY when he gave the ASP a spray over their new qualifying system and left the tour in disgust, you will love this little tongue in cheek INTERVIEW on the tennis court where he mocks the ASP on what has just happened to Slater.

One thing’s for sure, Kelly has some amazing records and there has been much talk of him being the greatest athlete ever, in any sport! I thought that he was. That was until I read about Heather McKay, an Aussie, international squash player who holds records in three different racquet sports and wasn’t beaten in a game of squash in 18 years! Now that is an achievement. All sports are different so it’s difficult to give that title to one person.

Slip, slop, slap out there people! It’s going to be a hot one.


Update 7th November 2011

The swell has settled since the weekend and there are small but fun waves to be had. Just take your aeroguard to the beach today as there are thousands of flies all over the place. I had one make a direct hit into my nostril and I even think I may have had one for breakfast.

A fun right and left have been revealed at Bondi but it's crowded. It seems the swell of Saturday has shaped the banks up nicely and for once it didn't destroy what hope we had. Pick the correct tide and you will score! All you need is one good wave to put a smile on your dial for the rest of the day. 28 degrees and possible thunderstorms are expected today. 

A big congratulations to the Bondi Boardriders especially Ben Davies, Beau Sevastos and Spanos for putting on a great day at the Bondi Single Fin Classic held on Saturday. Truly one of the best days on the local surfing calendar. The honors went to Craig Robbo in the open division and Dave Davidson in the highly contested master's division. CHECK OUT PICS HERE

Hot weather all week folks – Go surf!


Update 4th November 2011

The weeks end is shaping up nicely. That long period S-E swell seems to be showing a little already this morning with clean 3-4 foot sets hitting the beaches. The sun is starting to make an appearance as well, and with light winds, it’s a great looking day!

I went to the red carpet premiere of ‘Fighting Fear’ at Fox Studios last night. Lots of big names showed up for what is an incredible production, from award winning Bra Boy film maker, Macario De Souza. It’s a really cool story about two young kids, best mates, growing up and dealing with what life throws at them. If you like a great story, watching big waves and UFC, then you shouldn’t miss this one. Check out this LINK of the 2nd teaser for the movie.

Well, I think the Bondi boys must have some connections with Huey because the Single Fin Classic tomorrow is looking down the barrel of a 4-6 ft swell with a 15 second wave period and perfect off shore N-E winds. For the non wave guru deciphers out there, that pretty well equates to as good as it gets. High tide is also in the afternoon, which means the finals should be held in some great waves. Bring your 80’s retro attire and dance moves as it’s sure to be a blast from the past!

See you there!


Update 3rd November 2011

I was hoping for a magic sunrise this morning but when I poked my head out the door at 5am it was raining. I tried to go back to sleep for a while as it was still very dark but it didn’t work, so when it was light enough I jumped in the car and headed for the ocean.

The opening black and white shot of Bronte Reef is the ugliness I was confronted with and what you will be faced with today. It will hopefully stop raining but that messy SE wind will still be with us all day. There were some huge bluebottles around yesterday and more than likely there will still be a few today. I was out Bondi yesterday testing out a single fin for the weekend and one of the biggest blue bubbles I’ve ever seen blew past me. It looked like a football! Well, maybe more like one of those small nerf footballs but it was pretty big!

I was over at Maroubra yesterday afternoon shooting Mark Mathews and Richie Vasculic, so instead of posting the terrible shots I grabbed this morning, I’m giving you a look at last nights action from a very rippable Dunny Bowl. While I was sitting on the rocks shooting, I met one very young, next gen up and comer, eleven yr old Max McGuigan. What a nice kid! And for his age, he rips! After the session, Mark said that Max told him that he has been practicing his pig-dogging and wants to surf Ours. At age eleven? They sure breed them crazy over at The Bra!

Watch out for those Bluey’s today! I will see you tomorrow with hopefully some better weather.

Cheers – Billy