I've made it. A few more sea miles have been knocked up in the log book. I am now in Istanbul for a bit of a look see before heading home.

Ok I know! So cruising southern Turkey wasn't exactly like being out in the blue water. I've done that and it is hard work. I think at last count I had 6 Atlantic crossings under my belt and while cruising in the Med no way compares –  your still out at sea and on boats, shit can hit the fan real quick if your not onto it! So I am happy all went well. Here are a few shots I took along the way.

If your looking for a surf report out of me today then I am afraid you are out of luck. How about you guys let me know how it is? Did you surf this morning? Was it good? Can't wait for a wave later in the week. You see right outside my hotel window is the Black Sea and she is flat. Just a whole bunch of container ships heading off to countries like Russia, Georgia, Ukraine, Romania and Bulgaria.

I never thought I'd find myself in this part of the world. But I am super excited to hit up Istanbul for a few photos for my next report! Look out later in the week. 

Talk soon – Brad