It has been a mello (pun) and mediocre start to my shorter than usual Hawaiian campaign this year. You will be hearing from me from over here for the next couple of Monday and Friday’s before Xmas arrives.

I landed on ‘The Rock’ 3 days ago and just missed the best session at Pipe and OTW so far this season by a mere hour or two. Oh well, you get that. It’s all about timing over here. Like the powerful swells, the wind and cloud move in so fast on these Islands. One minute it’s the clearest most beautiful day, the next you’re cowering under an umbrella getting hammered!

I did get to see my good friend and Oakley team rider, Adam Melling take out The Vans World Cup of Surfing at Sunset Beach the day I arrived. Needing to get at least 2nd in the contest to re-qualify for the WCT again, the pressure was well and truly on Mello and with only a couple of minutes to go in the final he was in 3rd place and looking like missing out by the cruelest of margins, but somehow he found a wave and without holding back, tore the thing apart for a well deserved 9.4 and the highest heat score of the event, an 18.4. Re-qualified for the tour once again on the death, like he often does. Legend stuff Adam.

Well, it should be bombing for the start of The Pipeline Masters on the weekend so hopefully I will have some bigger action for you next update. It’s only small here today, 3 feet but with the power of maybe a 5 foot wave at home. I’m going to get wet in the 26 degree water and test out a new 5’11’ 4 fin. It’s a tough job but as they say, someone has to do it.

