These morning shots are all about dedication.

Dedication to wake-up before sunrise, whilst the rain softly taps onto the windows, making you feel comfy in bed, to walk the dog, thinking ''why didn't I buy a cat ?!''. Dedication to put a wettie on, and get a fews before work, even though you know it's gonna be junk (uncrowded, but junk). Dedication to keep training hard, being soaked before even starting warming up. Dedication to run the extra mile or swim the extra strokes. Dedication to put the boots on, knowing it's gonna pour all day on your shoulders.

Dedication to wake-up, pack the camera gear and get down to the beach, even though you know that colours will be dull, that shooting in the rain is a nightmare for the gear, and that your minutes to do so are counted.

But because despite the weather you guys commit to wake-up every day, to surf, run, cycle, swim, train, walk…we commit as well to bring you the shots of the day.

Have a nice day.
