Today is 50/50.

50/50 that you’ll get wet outside. 50/50 that you’ll be getting a long ride in the middle of this windy junky swell (I’d even say 20/80). 50 enjoying the warm water for a swim (like Amaury), 50 spewing about the winter like ‘’colours’’.

Today’s weather is bad enough to ruin all chances of surfing, but not bad enough to make it really spectacular and charming.

I was 50/50 between going down the beach or staying at home and going through the archives of blue, clear, and warm water shots. But, hey…our commitment to you is to bring you fresh images, rain, hail or shine.

The weekend also looks like 50/50: 50 good (Saturday: light winds, NE swell and sun), 50 bad (Sunday: strong southerly, clouds, rain). Personally, that’s a 100 for me: surf on Saturday, kitesurf on Sunday ! Yew !

When the weather is good: have a walk in the sun and as you pass by, come and see us at the Gallery in Bronte. If the weather is bad, go have a coffee at the ‘’Three Blue Ducks’’ in Bronte…and come take shelter in the Gallery. 142 McPherson Street (named after the model).

H v a g o d y !….(sh*# ! my keyboard only writes 50% of what I type)