You can’t really whine about a beautiful sunny Friday morning, especially if there are hardly any waves around. Tiny waves, why would you be happy about that? Well, it’s because they are exactly the perfect conditions the crew from ‘One Wave’ need.

Every Friday morning this happy bunch of humans get together before work to have a surf in the name of suicide prevention and mental health. Their aim is to give people who are having trouble, that magic feeling of what riding just ‘One Wave’ will do!

As most of us who surf know, even if we take it for granted most of the time, just going for a paddle and catching a few waves is all we usually need to relieve the stress of every day life. Surfing removes the negatives and shifts our thoughts into a better frame of mind.

Hats off ‘OneWave’, you guys rock!

Like their Facebook page HERE.

Have a great weekend people.
