Loud cars, warm ocean, blue sky, and highly contrasting people: you're in Miami !

Welcome to Miami / Bienvenido a Miami !

I did not know what to expect of Miami, but I am not unhappy to have come here: it's fun to watch ! It's the kingdom of the Bling, the realm of the Party, where cars are pimped to the teeth, loud as a plane taking-off, and where finding a cocktail of less than 500ml is a challenge.

Going to the beach, it was great for a swim. But forget it if you want to have a nap: between the planes dragging the messages about which famous DJ is playing in which Club, the helicopters from the police going at Mach 2 just 10meters high alongside the shoreline, the lifeguard quads,…and everyone's little sound system: you'd better have 100% soundproof earplugs. So I took photos. But I must be honest, I struggled to shoot at the beach and come up with shots that were not PG18 ! This place is C-R-A-Z-Y !

But in this place where the bling seems to be determining a man's value, there is a high contrast with all the ''others'' that have been left on the side of the road. Those who eat the crumbles live side-by-side with the filthy rich, or with the ones buying champagne on their credit cards, a 100 meters down the road, thinking they are living the dream.

It's a city of contrasting colours (in the people or in the buildings), of languages (Spanish and English), of social fulfillment, and of well-being (the ultra-leans vs. XXL formats), that make all kind of extremes live together (''next to each other'' would maybe be a better way of putting it).

Here are some high contrast shots of this high contrast City.

Enjoy the day !
