It was a special moment for a lot of people in Manly this morning…

It was a special moment for Nick, a 15 year old kid who's been through hell, hospital and more surgery than most people would ever get through their entire lives, and who got to live on of his dearest dream: surfing with current N#1 ranked surfer in the World: Mick Fanning.

It was also a special moment for Mick, who gave some of his time, with a big smile on his face, for Nick and his cousin. He was not 50% there, he was 100% with them, talking, joking, telling stories from the Tour…and giving a little push to Nick to make sure he'd catch the best waves.

It was a special moment for Nick's family. Seeing him in the surf like this means he's finally out of trouble.

It was also a special moment for me who got asked to cover this moment for Nick and Mick. I'll be posting more soon on my instagram (@franckgazzola). It's not everyday that you can have some intimate time with such amazing people, whether it's through their incredible strength and courage (Nick) or talent and generosity (Mick).

I hope you're having as nice a day as me.

