..And a legend casually paddles out. Laird. The one and only. In Bondi, going for a few paddle strokes.

How did the fluro crew feel about it: delighted. And what about Chachi ? Well, she gave him a lay of flowers for him to fit with the rest of the gang. That's what I call ''quick integration''.

Now imagine how it felt for Charlotte ''Miss Antartica'' Piho ! 20 minutes of one to one SUPing with this legend, talking away, and giving advice. The cheapest SUP masterclass with the most skilled instructor in the World.

That's what I call a great start of the day.

Don't forget that the FROTHERS Gallery has got a show at the VIP lounge of the Fashion Weekend at the Hall of Industry at Moore Park. Go check it out.

I am off to China tomorrow, so there will be no update from the Eastern Suburbs next week guys. Sorry !

Enjoy the sun today!

Franck (insta@franckgazzola)