After a week of radio silence out of range in the French mountains, and working in the background on the new Frothers, I'm back on the shore side of things, in the Basque Country.

It is Summer here, but honestly, the weather looks like a poor Autumn day. European Summertime has been that bad, that it makes our Australian Winter feel like a heatwave. Except for today maybe, where you guys should get wet…

To top that up, it is dead flat: Lake Atlantico !

So, I've been hanging out at the Gato Heroi shaping bay and glassing room instead. The boys' legendary savoir-faire have made their global top-notch reputation, and I wanted to witness this first hand in their ''Joy Factory'' in Bidart.

Tomorrow, we should get a little spike at low tide. 2 ft max. Nothing to get too excited about…

Cheers !
