Hi Frothers!
It is a bit of a special morning for me today. I arrived at the beach, and with the cool temperature, the flat water and the southerly puffing, it almost felt like Winter had arrived. The beach was (relatively) empty for the season. I thought ”oh…that’ll be hard this morning to shoot”. And then I saw a text message telling me that our good friend Ryan had just passed away. Mid 30s, diagnosed with Leukaemia 4 weeks ago and 2 weeks into chemo. Married a year and a half ago. It’s like I had been hit by a bus. Knocked out.
I felt like going home and skipping today’s update, but I decided to push on and try to get something interesting for you to see, now looking at my ”challenge” to come up with a few images as a really easy one. So I reckoned I’d do a series of silhouettes. And some of those images came out alright I think. Life is pretty much like photography: if you struggle, just change the angle on how you view things, and you will get results.
I also wanted to inform you that you might (have) experience(d) some difficulties whilst navigating on our website. You can thank the hackers for that. We’ve been hacked a couple of weeks back and we’ll have a totally new website built from ground up in a few days (we’ll have it up during the Xmas break). Don’t worry, this will not affect you in any way other than making the navigation difficult. If you need to purchase/enquire about anything, please contact us on [email protected] or 0499448464. We apologize for the inconvenience.
I don’t want to be stating the obvious, but even if we want to prepare for tomorrow, we should not forget to live for today.
This one is for you Ryan & Amanda.
(Instagram: @frothersgallery / @franckgazzola)
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