Up-date 27th November 2013

It’s been an incredible run of encounters with great spaces, wildlife, and kind people.

The land of the Hobbits has used its Magic and has put a spell on us: the spell of eternal smile.

From mystic and misty Milford Sound, where mountains, waterfall of glacier waters meet the Sea to the tropical forest that leads you to a deserted beach where penguins come to breed…it’s amazing what you can do within 24 hours. It’s like changing Country.

Seals are the N#1 Frothers in this magic castle, and they seem to be the most playful animals in the water (with dolphins of course) !

It’s difficult to summarize all of that in 7 shots, but I did my best in bringing you a flavor of what NZ is all about.

Have a good day !

Up-date 26th November 2013

3 hours away, and you're in a different World…

So close, and so far. So close to Australia, but so different. So close to the Alps, but so peculiar at the same times, those mountains and lakes have that twist that make them Kiwi, and Kiwi only. I've been so close to the Sea the whole last three days, but so far away at the same time that I have not seen the shape of a wave. Instead, I have explored this amazing South Island, so naturally beautiful.

And what better way to discover the white heights of New Zealand than from the air ! Heliworks in Aoraki have been the best ! They landed me us on the Tasman Glacier, showed us around the local summits, and gave the best fly-by over the crevasses of the glacier.

Unfortunately, those pleasures are to be enjoyed soon: most of those glaciers are melting…fast ! Within half our lifetime, some will be purely and simply gone. Bitter sweet…

Today, I was by the southest of the South…but I'll keep that for tomorrow ! 😉

Cheers (bru) !


Update 25th November

Sunny Mondays were always hard when I was at school, especially in the warmer months. I often thought about ‘jigging’ school on my way to the bus stop. I thought about hiding around the corner until my Mother left for work, so I could sneak back home, grab my board and head down the beach. Looking back, I never did it often enough. Guess I was a bit of a ‘goody two-shoes’ in that regard.

The swell is picking up! It’s always nice to hear that. The weather and wind, however, will increase from the south throughout the day and into tomorrow. Finding somewhere clean will be a problem, with Bronte probably being the best option if you are sticking around the city beaches.

That’s if it doesn’t get too big of course. Maybe get the gun ready!


Update 22nd November 2013

I only had one option in this rain this morning and that was to jump into the wet. Either way I was always going to get a soaking – this way I saved my camera gear. 

Fridays there is always something interesting to shoot now that the ONEWAVE crew hit the sand every week. I crack up at all the different outfits each week but this morning Joel Pilgrim took the cake with the tassles. Wave wise lets face it. It isn't the best – In fact it was dreadful, rippy weak and bumpy. Did I mention the sea weed? Still just enough to get wet and kick the weekend off in the right way. Always with a smile. 

Have a cracker of a weekend! – Brad

Update 21st November 2013

How good is the inside lane going up Bondi Road at 7:30am! It must have taken me all but 2 minutes to my place, scoring every green light as I pushed the pedal just over the edge of the regulation 50klm per hr. I wish it could be like that on the weekend, instead of the frustrating clogged up mess that always seems to do your head in.

I entered my crazy house, still dripping wet in my 3/2 full suit. My wife and adult children spinning like Tassie Devils, trying to get out the door to work on time. Then, as the door slammed shut, there was silence. Nothing, except the sound of the shower running down my back, filling my half removed wetsuit with a warm rush. I love it when I don’t have to be somewhere on time.

Small surf out there again today people. The water has chilled down as well, thanks to this nor’easter blowing. Boardshorts if you’re tough or like to tan but a spring suit is more the call for an extended paddle. It’s a struggle on a small board too, so maybe consider something a little more buoyant.

Have a good one!

