


Hi Frothers!

Gee, the water was moving this morning. A lot. Too much actually. Nowhere really surfable despite the sizeable swell and this morning’s favorable winds in Tama and Bronte. It’ll stay big tomorrow as well, but the wind looks a lot more favourable for all breaks. It could still be a notch too big for Bondi in the morning, but there is certainly potential for Bronte/Tama/Maroubra. Fingers crossed.

It really felt like a Winter morning today. Spring is really taking its time to settle in. Let’s just hope that Summer will take it’s time to leave too.

John John could be World Champ’ when we’ll go to bed or wake up tomorrow morning. Most likely the first title of a long series.

Have a nice day!


(Instagram: @frothersgallery / @franckgazzola)


Art By The Water



Hi Frothers!

I am sorry for the lack of news this week, but I was busy with meetings and shoots that took my mornings away. I have a career of Commercial Photography to manage as well, and sometimes both careers can overlap.

Some of you may want to scream ”SPOILER ALERT”…but don’t worry, there is soooo much more to see of those sculpture. This is just a small appetizer, a teaser.

This morning was an ideal day to go out and walk around to discover the marvels of the 2016 edition of Sculpture by the Sea. Now, if you usually run the coastal walk in the morning, you may want to re-adjust your route for the next couple of weeks. This path is already looking like a jammed pedestrian highway.

Surfwise: Tama looked ok. Some fun little runners spread over 2 or 3 peaks. Bondi was a little messy and smaller.

This is almost the weekend, but unfortunately, it doesn’t look to promising. Rainy, and rather cold for the season. You should schedule some sleep-ins and going through the backlog of admin work!


(Instagram: @frothersgallery / @franckgazzola)


Gentle Giants In Their Kingdom



Hi Frothers, 

Beau Pilgrim here with an update from my recent trip to Vava’u in the Kingdom of Tonga. Have you ever wondered where the all those humpback whales heading north end up? The answer is Tonga, along with other pacific islands, providing the perfect shelter for birthing and mating in the warmer waters during the winter months. These majestic creatures have such a gentle presence in the water, and I was lucky enough to have some incredible interactions during my time in Vava’u. 

I had the experience of a lifetime, when a fully-grown male humpback breached just metres from me. It sure scared the living daylights out of me. I was fortunate enough to capture the whole experience on my GoPro which was mounted to the top of my water housing. Some of you may have already seen the video doing the rounds on Channel Nine and online. If you haven’t seen it, you can check it out here. I managed to capture one of the rarest phenomena’s, when the whale re-entered the water. In the ‘Breach Re-entry’ photo below, you can see the skin and barnacles, which have been dislodged from the whale on impact to the water. 

If you’ve had your eyes peeled at the horizon the past few weeks, you’ll notice the whales have already begun their migration south.  The whale season in Tonga is mid July to early October. I hope my ‘whale of a time’ brings a smile to your Monday inbox. Remember all these prints are available in the Frothers Gallery for framing. Why not spoilt your mum for Christmas.

Signing out,


(instagram: @beaupilgrim / @frothersgallery)


Over Delivering



Hi Frothers !

Sometimes waking up before dawn comes with its share of disappointments & deceptions. Some other times, it’s quite the opposite: you get to the beach hoping for a little and you get much more than your expectations. Today was one of those mornings.

The clouds made for a super dramatic sunrise like I fancy them. Warm oranges mixing with dark low level clouds and a bit of rough swell. Then the waves, breaking pretty much everywhere alongside the ‘burbs. Relatively clean, hollow and surfable.

So, after a couple of hours shooting our ‘hood, I came back to the office with a big smile on my face, knowing that the memory cards contained some good content.

It’s great to finish the week on a high!

Have a nice weekend.


(instagram: @franckgazzola / @frothersgallery)


Spring Is On-Hold



Hi Frothers!

Did you step out to go to work this morning but went straight back in to get an extra layer? I feel you.

Spring is on-hold for the day. Strong SWesterly & messy South swell is all you will find. Only 2 brave souls took on Bronte for a couple of waves, but it didn’t look fun nor inviting to me.

We were hoping to get some nice windsurfing shots this morning with some of the local boys, but the wind turned out to be much too West for it. Shame.

So, instead I’d reckon we’d give you a quick tour of some of the artwokrs that you can find in the Muchacho Store (35 Hall Street in Bondi). No need to wait for the production of your piece, it’s ready to pick up from the walls. They come in different sizes and frame types, ideal for any kind of walls an budgets. Perfect for a (last minute) present. They won’t be there for long, so hurry!

There are a couple more that I will inform you about in the next few days.

Have a nice day.

(Instagram: @franckgazzola / @frothersgallery)


Flat. Sunny. Windy. Chilly.



Hi Frothers!

If I had to describe today in 4 words: Flat. Sunny. Windy. Chilly.

I was still nice to have a scout around this morning, despite the lack of activity in the water. A large pod of dolphins came to say g’day. Last night, I was actually spotting whales just outside of the bay, and this morning, dolphins were jumping around. Even when not much is happening around here, well, there’s always something happening nonetheless.

Have a nice day.

(Instagram: @franckgazzola / @frothersgallery)
